Baden-Powell Council BSA
at the
2012 Blair Atholl Patrol Jamborette

Day 7 - July 16th - Edinburgh

We began our final day of touring by dropping off the vehicles and riding a double-decker bus into downtown Edinburgh, an experience in itself. 

From the bus stop we walked to the Royal Mile through Waverly Gardens. Here, the Scouts look at the oldest flower clock in the world. I'm embarrassed to admit I've walked past this spot many times, and never noticed it - were it not for a passerby who pointed it out to the group, I still wouldn't know it was there. 

As usual, we got a great tour from our tour guide at Edinburgh Castle. 

Joe in the Royal Apartments at Edinburgh Castle.

Warren on the Castle ramparts. 

For the first time, our group visited the National War Museum at Edinburgh Castle, at the Scouts' request. It was well worth the side trip. 

The Camera Obscura is always a hit. The Camera itself is a piece of Victorian high tech, built by an optometrist to project an image from a periscope on the top of the tower down onto a bowl-shaped screen. The Scouts enjoyed the visual tour, especially when they were given 3x5 cards and invited to swat pedestrians. 

The mirror maze was new this year - the best one I've ever seen. Visitors were asked to wear plastic gloves to avoid leaving marks on the glass, so that the reflections were perfect. 

Chris, Alex and Evan in an infinity of lights. 

Another new optical illusion for this year - a disembodied Duncan.

Warren, Joe and a frozen water bottle in thermal imaging. 

Joe fades into Josh, and back...

This tunnel is still amazing - rotating lights surround a stationary bridge. Even though you know the bridge is rock-solid, as soon as you enter the tunnel it feels like you're being thrown from side to side. Everyone had to go through several times. 

The Royal Museum of Scotland re-opened this year, after a multi-year restoration program. It was well worth the wait. Here, Joe spins a prayer wheel. 

A visit to Greyfriars Bobby's grave is a "must". Bobby was the terrier who slept on his master's grave for 14 years. 

Our evening program was a Ghost Walk led by Mercat Tours. The walk starts at the Mercat Cross on the Royal Mile. 

Our guide demonstrates the fate of several Englishmen in Edinburgh many years ago - Joe and another visitor are flogged on the Mercat Cross, to the amusement of all present.  

Gabe, on the other hand, wasn't flogged - he was hanged at St. Giles. 

The tour ended in the haunted South Bridge Vaults. Ghosts or not, wandering through the vaults by the light of a single candle is spooky by any definintion.

On to the Jamborette!

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